Tuesday 15 April 2014

4 letters

Today's my first day of school. Orientation week. 
Words can speak a lot for someone. But to me, today can be summed up with just bearly one sentence :

I knew when I had to let go of you this morning, I'm letting you suffer within  your disastrous emotions, I wished to be there. 

Although I'm in school, I'm preoccupied by this someone, be it my heart or my mind. I'll stare at a certain place , or be in a daze. 

Unknowingly , my heart whispers...

Hearing songs that say, wanting to see a person but when you can't... 
It's definitely legit. 

At the end of everyday, every single day without this person by my side , I'll tell myself at night before I sleep

I'm aware, this person is feeling bad , real bad inside due to certain circumstances , the life of a normal teenager is taken away. 

Although I don't say it out , but .. 

No matter how hard things get, how strong the waves are gonna be, I know we are gonna sail through it together. I'll be there for you. Always. 

And yes, the 4 letter word in my life is bless. Bless to have you here with me. <3

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